Lean & Mean: Week 3 -- Identify Your Strengths!

October 21, 2019

Starting Week 3 of Lean and Mean to boost your success at 212, your favorite SLC gym! Our human nature may want us to start focusing on how hard it’s been. Maybe you struggle with sweets, or business lunches, or social events/parties in SLC. But, don’t focus on the challenges. Instead, identify your strengths. Here are some examples: Strength: You can eat the same thing for breakfast and/or lunch every day. Don’t stress over dinner and instead stay locked in on breakfast and lunch every day.orStrength: You are great at sticking to a plan. Take some time on the weekend to make a plan for 80-90% of your meals and then keep it mellow for the other 10-20%. Don’t waste mental energy on that other 10-20%.orStrength: You love whole foods-so stock up on those and keep them the bulk of your diet! Don’t stress the occasional drink with friends, because you know most of your diet is locked in with whole foods.orStrength: You won’t let a friend down. Find an accountability partner at SLC gym 212 Fitness and come up with a balanced plan you can commit to.As always, I’d love to hear your ideas! Let me know if you have strengths you’ve identified we can help share with others!