Artificial Sweeteners 101

May 17, 2017

People are pretty passionate when it comes to artificial sweeteners. My experiences have shown me that you should use common sense when it comes to your diet and exercise-and that when you can eat products in as natural a state as possible, you see the most benefits to your health. It’s awesome when research backs up this common sense, and it applies to artificial sweeteners as well.Studies have shown that AS can lead to glucose intolerance because they can alter your gut microbes, leading to impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). IGT means that you have elevated blood sugar and is associated with insulin resistance. It can precede Type 2 diabetes and is also a risk factor for mortality. AS can also affect your metabolic response to food you eat after consuming AS-the body can release more insulin and have higher blood glucose when eating after having consumed AS.The bottom line is that just because something is “zero-calorie” it’s not necessarily healthy. Each individual is just that, an individual, and so everyone will react to AS differently. However, when there is the potential for so much to go awry in your body when you consume AS, try a different approach. Stevia is a natural zero calorie sweetener that can actually improve your glucose tolerance. You can also “reset” your palate by cutting back on sweet foods. For instance, limit sweets during the week and you’ll notice you need less sweets to get that same “rush” when you indulge on the weekends. Remember, it’s all about balance and always try to go natural when you can!