Find Your Motivation

February 10, 2017

Nothing can stop you when you’re motivated and have a plan.It’s a bold statement, but over the years I’ve found it’s true. We’ve talked a lot in the past few weeks about planning your work and working your plan (if you still haven’t come up with a plan to attack sugar yet, it’s not too late-do it today!) but we haven’t talked a lot about motivation.Motivation is the why behind your goals-why do you want to lose 10 pounds, why do you want to be healthier, why do you want to squat 20 more pounds? While motivation ultimately has to come from within and be important and specific to you, having an external motivator can help.To help keep you motivated for the next few weeks, we’re setting up an external motivator and announcing the prize for the winning Sugar Slash Team! ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­These Breville Personal Sport Blenders make prepping quick, healthy and even sweet added sugar free snacks easy! Most people think the first 2 weeks of a challenge like the Sugar Slash are the hardest, but if you can get through those tough first few weeks, your changes will start changing into habits and routine. So whether you sit down this weekend and list all your motivations, or just decide you really want to win the ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Blender Prize Pack, dig deep to find some motivation and get through the next week!