Happy New Year!We hope you had a great holiday season. Thanks for making 2017 another great year at 212!We have been nominated for City Weekly’s Best of Utah awards “Best Cross Fit Gym” under Health & Wellness Facility and need your help! Please help us vote no later than Monday, January 8th. (VOTING DEADLINE WAS EXTENDED!) It takes about five minutes and we would be SO grateful for your vote! We know we will be the David in a category of Goliaths, but we truly believe what we do at 212 is unlike anything else anyone does, and we have a more loyal and committed fitness community than anywhere! Here’s the link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BOUMindandbodyEach person can only vote once, but if you’ve had friends or family work out with us and have had a good experience, please share the link and spread the love! Thanks again for your votes and support!!Josiah, Jamie + the 212 Team