How Much Added Sugar is OK?

February 24, 2017

It’s a common question and as you’re thinking about how to incorporate some added sugar back into your diet. The quick and easy answer is as little as possible. How would you answer “how much fried food is ok” or “how much alcohol is ok”? It’s all about balance and limiting the amounts.That being said, the World Health Organization does have some guidelines on added sugar. They recommend less than 50 grams of added sugar per day with additional health benefits of less than 25 grams added sugar per day. And while it’s easy to pass off added sugars in dressings and sauces as minimal, consider that 1 tablespoon of ketchup has 4 grams of added sugar! Now consider a 16 ounce Starbucks Vanilla Latte has 18 grams of added sugar. So you can see that the added sugar adds up quickly!Remember, moderation is the key to success, but as you plan sugar back into your diet, aiming to keep added sugars to less than 50 grams per day is a great goal!