Why Eliminate Sugar and How?

February 1, 2017

There’s two days left until we start the Sugar Slash and hopefully you’re getting pumped up for it! Whenever you set a challenging goal, it’s critical that you know why you have that goal. The why provides motivation when the road toward your goal gets rough.So why sugar? Sugar has been linked to Metabolic Syndrome. Metabolic Syndrome is a collection of risk factors for heart disease and Type 2 diabetes that includes abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, elevated blood sugar, Low HDL and high triglycerides. These risk factors elevate the chance of being diagnosed with Type II Diabetes and elevate the risk of heart attack, stroke, liver disease and more. In total, these risk factors will impact our ability to live active lives, affect our quality of life and significantly decrease longevity of life. Sugar spikes insulin- and elevated insulin levels are associated with heart attacks, kidney failure, stroke, cancer and blindness.So know we know why we want to cut out sugar, but how should we cut it out? One great method to help you succeed on your goals is to have a teammate. While motivation should be internal, a teammate is great for giving you a boost when you need it. A teammate is also great for holding you accountable on your progress. Make sure you schedule “check in’s” with your partner-if you don’t go to the same class, set up email of phone call times. Gove each other tips on how you’re dealt with your problem areas. Share both your successes and your setbacks. Your success will help motivate them and they can pick you up from your setbacks when those inevitably occur.Eliminating added sugar isn’t easy, but the health benefits are worth it. And remember to be a strong teammate-there’s strength in numbers!